As a hunter in wyoming you may know that there is a lot of land to cover, and you can't always have the perfect distance or spot to shoot a big game animal. That is why the type of gun scope and even bullets you use can help prepare you for a successful hunt.
Growing up I have always used a Winchester bult action 270 with a Redfield scope. I have had many peeople tell me that i need somthing bigger like a 300 mag. I have not had a prolblem killing elk or deer at all it is actually my favorite gun to hung with. I would advice you to find a gun that fits you and you are comfortable shooting and practice often. If you do this you will be confident in your gun and not miss when that big bull or buck walks out.

An improvement to your gun that i would recommend is the long distance scopes made by Aaron Davidson in Burlington Wyoming. Aaron has made some modifications to his scopes making it possable to kill animals at long distances. He now holds the world record for the longest shoot ever taken and cought on tape to kill an antelope. It ranged in at a 1200 yard shot.
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