In January of 1995 an event happened that changed the lives of those people living near Yellowstone National Park. This is when the gray wolf was reintroduced in Yellowstone National Park. Many people thought that the wolf would stay in the park but they are not like people where you can tell them to stay somewhere and they will do it.
From the start wolfs have been a problem killing lots of livestock and wild animals. The moose population has significantly been affected since 1995 and in a article in missoulian.com online news it talks about the elk herds decreasing in numbers do the increase in wolf population.
At the end of President Bush's term he tried to take the gray wolf off the endangered species list. As of now the wolf is off the list in Montana and Idaho. But what about Wyoming we were left in the dust because we wanted to take them from an endangered specie to a predator. They are a problem even in the park. In May of 2009 the park service because it was chasing bicyclists and approaching cars and causing problems.
I feel that the gray wolf needs to be taken off the endangered species list. By doing this it will make wolfs afraid of humans and help maintain them in the park.
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